Presenter Re-registration
Presenter Re-registration
After re-registering, you can pay for registration via bank transfer or PayPal.
Please choose the payment method that best suits your convenience:
The registration fee for the conference is as follows:
• USD 180 for ISISA Members
• USD 200 for Non-Members of ISISA
Initiate a bank transfer to the following account details:
• Account Name: Rektor IPB C/Q PKSPL
• Bank Name: BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia) Branch IPB Dramaga Bogor
• Account Number: 0121109976
• Swift Code (for international transfers): BNINIDJABGR
• City: Bogor
• Country: Indonesia
The registration fee for the conference is as follows:
• USD 180 for ISISA Members
• USD 200 for Non-Members of ISISA
• Transfer the appropriate registration fee amount to @PKSPLIPB
• Ensure to include your full name and abstract ID in the payment description